Punta Cana – European flair with Dominican style

We’ve recently talked about considering the Dominican Republic as a future holiday destination, and today we’re going to focus on the country a bit more by taking a look at possibly one of the country’s most famous and popular vacation destinations, Punta Cana.
Punta Cana is a region located at the easternmost part of the country and it is known for being home to some wonderful white beaches as well as to a town which bares the same name.
The region itself is the site of some major vacation developments and more are on schedule to pop up in the future. The thirty-two kilometers of white-sand beaches combined with the crystal-clear waters make Punta Cana a special type of place where one can go to relax.
As one might imagine, with the beach being so massive, overcrowding is hardly an issue in Punta Cana, and this takes into account the many visitors and tourists that populate the resort and region all throughout the year. Punta Cana, alongside Bavaro – which is a similar resort situated at the other end of the thirty-two kilometer curve of beach – make up La Costa del Coco, or the Coconut Coast because the entire beach is lined with coconut palms, and between the two resorts there is not one town to be found, there are only all-inclusives and beaches and the very small community of El Cortecito.
Amongst the plethora of restaurants and mega-complexes, which range in design from really basic to some being designed by some of the most prominent Spanish architects of the time, you’ll be glad to know that Punta Cana is known amongst many Latino celebrities with names like the great Julio Iglesias having been a fixture here for quite a while, Oscar de la Renta being one of them as well.
Those who visit the resort will see that the large majority of clientele stems from Europe and Latin America, about of third being from the US and Canada so expect a definite European-type vibe to the place, but of course with a Dominican filter on it. What this basically means is that the dress code is a bit more formal than in other Caribbean getaways and there’s a lot more interest in soccer matches, and red wine at dinner.