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Traditional Swiss cuisine

Posted by on Apr 24, 2012 in Featured, Travel | 0 comments

When it comes to a country's traditional cuisine, it is impossible for it to be a perfect stand-alone entity, not influenced by surrounding influences, however when ti comes to traditional Swiss cuisine, it is a bit special in regards to the amount of regional influences that it shows from its neighbors. Because of its location on the European continent, influences from France, Germany and Italy are extremely prominent because historically speaking, Switzerland has been a farming country in which the most popular foods were cheeses, potatoes and chocolate.

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Basel, an underrated Switzerland tourist destination

Posted by on Apr 12, 2012 in Featured, Travel | 0 comments

Situated at a distance of fifty-three miles of Zürich and sixty-one of Bern, Basel is the country's third-largest city as well as its most underrated tourist destination, and there are no real reasons why this should be so as you'll see in the following article.

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